Have you ever seen “play makeup” for little girls? The kind you find in Claire’s or other stores? It’s real makeup but advertised as kids makeup. It’s also horrible for your skin, and nothing I would want near my daughter. It’s filled with synthetic ingredients and lots of times made in China where you don’t know exactly what’s in it or if it’s made safely or not.

So what’s the better option? Savvy Minerals. This will be the only makeup my daughter is allowed to “play” with. I don’t have to worry if she tries to eat it, or uses too much or gets it in her eyes. (I’m not giving her brand new ones since I love mine so much, she will get my leftovers until she old enough for her own 😉 )There’s nothing bad or synthetic in it! She has beautiful fair skin and I wouldn’t want anything to harm it. She already loves mamas makeup, but will wait a few more years to try it. (Stay tuned for the next blog post, I’ll have more before and after looks, in the picture of Rocco and I, my makeup is all Savvy Minerals and really an easy look to do.)