Archive for January, 2016

Easy Homemade Diffuser

  So this is a great way to have a diffuser on the go! I use these in my car and hotel room when traveling. I also give these out with a sample oil when people want to try Young Living oils. 

Do it yourself Diffuser:

Get a wooden clothespin, drop a few drops of your favorite Young Living oil on it. Put clothespin on car vent, room vent of just clip to your purse/bag. It smells awesome and costs next to nothing! It’s that easy. Here are a few blends that I love, that you can try: 

Christmas spirit and citrus fresh. Stress away and Lavender. Thieves and Purification(great for an immune boost when traveling). The combinations are endless! 


Toddler scared to go to sleep? 

  If you’re a parent who is dealing with “monsters” under the bed, I have a great solution for you! 

Grab a glass spray bottle,( a small one will do) and add water and a few Young Living essential oils. My favorite ones to add are lavender, peace and calming and stress away. You can use lavender by itself, or either of the two blends mentioned above  alone as well. Then make a label for monster away spray and spray around the room with your child. Tell them that it’s like big spray and will make the monsters go away. It’s a great way to help them sleep!  

Other ideas if your child is a hard one to get to sleep are: 

Put a diffuser in their room if they are afraid of the dark. You can use it as a nightlight and get the added benefits of essential oils to help them relax. 

Use a drop or two of Youjg Living sleepyize on the bottom of their feet, (I also put a drop on the pajamas by their chest). This oil is already diluted for children! It smells amazing and helps promote a restful sleep.  

 To order any of the oils in this post:



So we as a family have decided (a few months ago) to change most of our food to organic, or as close to organic as possible. Why? There are so many reasons!  

 We started thinking about organic food when I became pregnant with my son. I wanted whatever I put into my body to be as healthy as possible for him. I decided to breastfeed and learned very fast that my food directly effected him. I had to give up dairy products because he had very bad stomach problems whenever I ate them. I finally started adding them back into my diet when he was 8 months old. I started with whole organic milk, and we started changing most of our food to organic. 

One of the many reasons we changed to organic is because dairy, meets and other products have added hormones in them. Many of you know that I have endometriosis, which is a hormone driven disease. I did not want to put more hormones into my body. I also did not want to give my son extra hormones. 

Another reason we decided to use organic products is because of pesticides and chemicals used in the farming practices of non organic farms. I really don’t like to expose my son to all those chemicals. 

I know the big question on everyone’s mind…is it expensive to make the switch? The answer is yes, it can be. But, what is the price for you health? Here’s a great tip…Walmart has a great organic brand in store that is a very reasonable price! They carry everything from frozen vegetables to rice, chicken broth, pasta and sauce and many more staples every family keeps in their kitchen. This is how I make our organic lifestyle more affordable. I also buy baby food packets in bulk when on sale, or with a coupon.   My favorite organic or close to organic companies are: wild oats (found in Walmart) plum organics, happy tot, stony field dairy, shady farms and fair trade milk. 

Also, incase you’re wondering…Young Living essential oils are stricter than organic. That means they have more regulations as a company than an organic label calls for. The seed to seal promise is what each oils goes through before is sold. Perfect for this organic way of life!   


My Top 10 Young Living Product Picks

  Here are my top 10 Young Living products that are not essential oils, because this company has so much more to offer! 

1.) Thieves Concentrated Cleaner

 You can use his on EVERYTHING! And a little goes a long way! Did you know one small bottle will make between 15-20 bottles of cleaner! That’s amazing savings right there! I love this cleaner because I can use it around my toddler and it’s safe around pets.  

 2.) Lavender Foaming Hand Soap

I love the smell of this, the feel and everything in between. Also it’s mild enough for my toddler to use and not too “girly” for my husband to use. Win/win. 

 3.) Thieves little spray bottle

This is a great product for on the go. It fits perfect in your purse, baby bag, or backpack. Spray it on doorknobs, in the rest room, any place you need a little cleaning/immune boost. 

 4.) Young Living lip balm. These lip balms are oil infused, and the only lip balms I now use. They are good enough for my husband to take to one of the coldest places on earth, Antarctica. They Coke is awesome flavors and lavender is my favorite!  

 5.) Progessence Plus. 

Looking to support hormone balance? This is the perfect product for you. Use once a day to help support those pesky hormones!   

 6.)   Kidscents Tender Tush.

Yes you read that right, it does exactly what it says! Also, I love this product for myself. I used it on my itchy pregnancy belly and after my c-section when my scar started to be dry and itchy. It felt amazing and had an almost cooling sensation. You can use this ointment on any dry skin area!  

 7.) Ningxia Red.

This is such a great drink! Before a workout, after a workout, in the car, when you wake up, in place of coffee…you get the point, right? This drink does it all!  

 8.) Thieves hard lozenges. 

These little drops of goodness are awesome for a boost to your immune system. Throw them in your purse, baby bag, or car because they are perfect for on the go!  

 9.) Slique Essence.

This supplement not only tastes good, but helps with a healthy weight plan. Drop some in water or in your Slique tea. YUM! 

 10.) Alkalime 

Try this supplement if you’re having trouble with acidity in your body. Nobody likes the consequences of too much acid. This balances that. It also tastes great, like lemon lime.! 


To order any of these products:

New Oils! 

  Young Living made a huge announcement today…a new line of oils for supplementing. These oils still use 100%therapudic grade essential oils, but are labeled specifically for internal use.  No need to worry how to use them! Use them in your cooking, drink in your water or add into an empty vegetable capsule(young living sells these). I’m so excited, I’m ordering them all!!! You’ll find them under Oils/Dietary Oils. Here’s the link to order:


Why I chose Young Living

I got into young living oils almost 3 years ago. I never wanted to do this as a business, it just sorta happened.

 One night I was sitting at my parents house when my mom said here put a drop of this on your foot, it will help relax you to go to sleep. Well, I did but I thought it was a little on the crazy side. Crazy or not it actually worked! So the next time I was over again I did the same thing and I slept really well that night. So I said “I want a kit!” Weeks went by and I was sleeping so well until one night I was up until 3 am, I couldn’t figure out why until I smelled my hands. I thought “I didn’t put my oils on”, and then I did and went to sleep. It’s amazing how I did a study on these oils and never intended to do so. The truth in the matter is that they work! 

I chose to use Young Living because they have been around for quite a while (20+ years).They are the number one company in essential oils and have the seed to seal process that requires only the best oils make it to the market. I don’t have to worry about using these oils around my family and pets.  To get started with the BEST in the world click here:


Cold weather got you down?

If the cold weather doesn’t excite you, then you’re like me! Yes, a little snow every now and then is fine…but the below zero temps ugh! Here’s a nice recipe to warm you up!  

You could also try a drop of thieves in a bit of warm honey for an immune system boost.  


January Specials

Have you seen the specials for January yet?! There is a new special for purchasing 400pv(about 400$) worth of product. Get your money’s worth with essential rewards, where you earn points towards free product! Mine just arrived today in the mail 🙂