Do you travel a lot? Did you know that you can safely travel with your Young Living Essential Oils? I recently flew to Florida from New York and took 80% of my oils with me! There is no way I would be without my oils for 9days!
The smaller bottles will fit into your clear quart size bag that’s acceptable to bring in your carry on bag to fly. Also, I put my small thieves spray bottle and thieves hand purifier in that bag. I had sample bottles of some oils as well, and I did use them on the plane.
The bigger bottle I took with me in my checked luggage in two bags, they made it safe and sound! Just make sure the tops are tightened properly. I also threw in some Ningxia Red packets in my bag (don’t want to miss out on those!). Also if you use Ningxia Nitro, those are the perfect travel size as well!
There isn’t any reason not to travel with your oils, trust me when you have a screaming baby next to you on a flight it’s great to be able to take out your Peace and Calming! Happy Travels and Oiling!

