Archive for May, 2016

So let me start out by saying this, I’m not against formula feeding. If your baby is fed, that’s all that matters. We chose breastfeeding after doing a lot of research on both.  

Breastfeeding didn’t come easy to me. Yes, my son latched on easily and luckily had no issues with that. But, he nursed every hour for weeks and weeks, and lost over 20% of his body weight by the time we left the hospital. So we had to supplement after every nursing for 2 months. After that we slowly weaned him off of all formula and exclusively breastfed.  

 I found out that setting small goals was a great idea while nursing. So, I set out to nurse for 6 months, then a year and then 2 years. Most of my friends and other moms I know stopped before 2 years, but I want to let him wean when he is ready. We are currently at 23 months and still going strong. We decided to go until 2 years because the WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months and breastfeeding until 2 years or more. We saw research that shows the benefits of nursing, (even past one there are a lot of benefits)so that’s what we did.  

 Now I’m sure you’re wondering what Young Living has to do with this. Well, when you are nursing you need to stay hydrated and consume extra calories. Ningxia Red is exactly what my body needed. This awesome drink kept my hydrated, and helped me get essential nutrients my body needed. (If you don’t know what Ningxia Red is, here’s a link to my blog about it great thing about this drink is that it comes in a bottle or packets, perfect for your baby bag!  

The other way Young Living helped is from their amazing oils. When you nurse (especially in the beginning), it’s important to be calm and as stress free as possible. It’s tough on your body and stress can reduce your milk output. So, diffusing and wearing a few oils really helped. Lavender oil was so very nice to relax me. Gentle Baby is an amazing blend, made specifically for mom and baby.  

All of these things together helped me be a nursing mother for (almost) 2 years, and I wouldn’t want it any other way! 

 Nursing photos from

To order any of the products listed:

So, I’ve mentioned before a few products that Young Living has that helps boost your immune system. Here are a few more to try! 

ImmuPower essential oil blend is a great oil to diffuse! It promotes a healthy immune system and positive attitude.  

 ImmuPro is a chewable tablet that you take before bed, it also helps with sleep. Two birds, one stone! 

  ImmuPro™ has been specially formulated to provide exceptional immune system support when combined with a healthy lifestyle and adequate sleep to support the body’s needs.*
This power-packed formula combines naturally-derived immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides with a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders to deliver powerful antioxidant activity to help reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress from free radicals.*
ImmuPro provides zinc and selenium for proper immune function* along with other chelated minerals which emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body. It also delivers melatonin which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body’s natural sleep rhythm.*
With non-GMO dextrose instead of fructose and more Orange essential oil than ever, this formula delivers more of what you want and less of what you don’t! This delicious fruit-flavored chewable supplement also has the same great wolfberry flavor but with a new crunchy texture.  

These awesome products along with Thieves and Ningxia Red help so much for a healthy immune system. We love using these! 
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Check this out! 

Have you checked out or liked my Facebook page yet? I’ll be doing some fun giveaways there coming up soon! Here is a link to the page: 


If you are on the fence about Young Living Oils, here’s a great video made by my team on the oils. If you want to order, come back here and click at the bottom of this page to order. Here’s the video

Order Here:

Do you love spring and summer as much as I do? Sometimes little annoyances pop up when the seasons change, so here are some oils to help.   

Beating the slump

Have you ever suffered from the dreaded after noon slump? Well…there’s an oil for that! 

Endoflex Vitality is the oil to help with after noon slump. Just add a drop to your water or juice (Ningxia Red), or put into a vegetable capsule and take. You can also use the normal endoflex and rub a drop on your throat, to support thyroid wellness and that slump!  

 I’ll be starting to do this once a week and let you know my results. I’m hoping for more energy and not such a noticeable afternoon slump. 

I’m sure you’ve all heard of or smelled citronella candles. Did you know that inhaling burning candles is not great for your health? Still want to have an annoyance free outdoor summer? Young Living has Citronella Essential Oil! It’s a great, natural way to repel bugs.  

 A great tip I use with this oil is to put a drop or two on the tops of my sons socks since I know he’s going to be playing outside a lot. Also adding it to his sunscreen when putting it on him gives him some extra bug repealing power. 

Did you know that Purification Oil has Citronella in it? What a great blend of oil!