Well it’s officially that coughing, sneezing, wheezing time of year again and you know what that means…immune system boosters are much needed! So here are a few of my favorite tips, tricks and products to help! 

Are you aware that most of your immune system is in your digestive tract? So treat it right! A great way to boost your digestive system is to take a probiotic. It’s very easy to do so and the benefits are great! I’ve even used a probiotic on my son when he was an infant and didn’t handle dairy products very well. Here’s a great one from Young Living:  


Have you heard of Inner Defense from Young Living? It’s a great way to boost your immune system! Easy to take too!  

Finally there is the Thieves line of products, I can’t say enough about these products! They taste and smell yummy (like fall baking), and are great for all body systems and immune support. Here is a great tip: Add a few drops of Thieves oil to local honey and have it as an immune boosting treat. (Please note hat honey is NOT recommended for children under 1)